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Community Building/Park Shelter Rental

There are two buildings available for rent to the public. Call the City Clerk at (316) 778-1625 to check the availability of and schedule dates and times as well as fees for each building.

The Community Building is available for rent year round.  It is located at 150 S Main and can accommodate up to 244 people.  It has a kitchen area to prepare and serve meals as well as tables and chairs for dining. The building is heated during the winter and air-conditioned during the summer.

You can download and print a copy of the application at the link below.  Make sure you contact the City Clerk for availability prior to completing the application as the availability of this building changes often.

Community Building Regulations

Application to rent Community Building

Community Building Checklist

For more information please contact City Hall.

The Park Shelter is located in the 700 block of N Main in the City Park. The building is usually unavailable for rent between November and March, weather permitting. There are restrooms inside the building and grilling is allowed inside the park (outside of the building). There is no heating or air-conditioning inside the building.  

Benton Water Tower

Park Shelter